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Competency-based People Management and Development Systems |
Competency is the underlying characteristics and behaviors demonstrated by top performers in a given circumstance. Originating from an academic proposition, competency has nowadays become a globally recognized term in people management and development. Thanks to generations of research in this field, carefully crafted competency models as well as competency-related tools and applications can now be tested and validated to ensure the effectiveness that they promise.
Based on Signature Solutions extensive experience providing consultancy advice to clients in competency-related work, combined with our in-depth research in the field, we proudly present PeopleProfile - our methodology for organizations and individuals to best benefit from the entire spectrum of competency-based people management and development systems.
PeopleProfile - What does it have to offer?
PeopleProfile is an integrated methodology comprising concepts, processes, systems and tools to support organizations in developing, implementing and maintaining their competency-based people management and development systems. It can be adopted in full application, or in modules. In full package, it comprises the following key modules:

PeopleProfile - a fully-integrated competency system by Signature Solutions
PeopleProfile in full application provides the following unsurpassed benefits:
PeopleProfile captures the underlying characteristics and behaviors that lead to top performance in individuals in their organizational roles, hence the collective top performance of the organization. Counterproductive characteristics and behaviors can also be identified during the competency modeling process, given availability of the behavioral data gathered. Using this empirical approach, top-performing behaviors become explicable, measurable, hence duplicable. Besides, the data gathering and modeling process itself is also intentionally designed to foster a good learning and a sense of appreciation for behaviors and characteristics leading to top performance, as well as a sense of inspiration and pride among people involved in the process.
- Competency Modeling: builds on the foundation of effective modeling that captures salient competences of top performers within the organization, articulates them behaviorally in light of the organization s context, and in a way that can be cultivated in the hearts and minds of the people involved. At Signature Solutions, years of experience in this field tells us that the heart and soul of competency modeling, as well as other competency-based systems, applications and tools, lie in the capability to accurately ‘read people s underlying characteristics and behaviors in a way that can be objectively validated to ensure standard and consistency across the organization. Otherwise competency will be subjective, and the reliability will be as questionable as any other application and tools organizations have experienced in their attempts to manage performance, especially on the qualitative side.
- Competency Development: This is the natural process following effective competency modeling, and, in our view, should be undertaken by organizations well before the launch of competency assessment activities. At Signature Solutions, competency development means far more than competency training courses. The approach to competency development depends on the nature of the competencies to be developed, as well as the nature of the organization and its people. Our competency development thus includes all plans and activities, specially designed considering the unique, specific context of each client organization, to assist them in their people development. Such activities, apart from customized, in-house training courses to cater to the specific needs of organizations, may include, for instance, recommendation on self-learning and development activities for staff, change to the organization s people management, job rotation and career path systems, facilities and tools for simulation/role play to assist in development of certain competencies, etc.
- Competency Assessment: With the competency model clearly communicated and behavioural expectations spelled out, people will, to a certain extent, become aware of their own competency potentials and pitfalls and start using the model to assess themselves as well as others. In such situations, however, there are occasions where an external party s impartial, expert view may still be needed, e.g., in recruitment, appointment, promotion to key positions. In this regard, Signature Solutions offers a full range of assessment methods and tools, including, for instance, PeopleProfile Assessment Interview (PAI) , PeopleProfile Assessment Questionnaire (PAQ) , to suit organization needs. We also provide PeopleProfile Assessment Tests (PAT) - competency assessment service in the form of competency tests, fully customized in line with the client organization s competency model and nature of work, so that the test result can be scored, rated, and ranked for people selection and management purposes.
- Competency Survey: Apart from the various forms of competency methods and tools described above, we also provide PeopleProfile Competency Survey (PCS) , a questionnaire-based 360? fully customized survey tool, for organizations where people are very familiar with/have mastered the competency assessment skill, to support their regular, organization-wide competency assessment. Feedbacks from PCS will be presented to client organizations at 2 levels, 1) Organization-wide Feedback Report, and 2) Individual Feedback Report for each person assessed. The survey feedback result can be useful in individual competency review as part of the organization s annual performance review, as well as in other organization-wide people planning, management, and development activities.
PeopleProfile – How does it differ?
Well-researched and validated approach, processes and tools to model top performance, not mediocrity
We believe that only methods that ‘dig deep enough through layers of actions, thoughts, and drives can identify genuine competencies of a job or a person. Our well calibrated processes and tools sift through clients organization and people data to identify the genuine competencies unique to organizations and their jobs. This careful approach differentiates the quality and depth of our output from commodity-type shortcuts that tend to model mediocrity. For our clients, outputs from competency modeling exercises provide unsurpassed powerful and strategic insights that serve as the basis for further planning and management in all of their people-related areas.
People-centered and enabling through comprehension and appreciation
Competencies are not meant to be kept on paper, but in the hearts and minds of the people involved. We engineered our approach, processes and tools with the end in mind – to naturally induce people s buy-in by demystifying the ‘black box aura normally surrounding the competency modeling process. We achieve this by studying, among other things, top performers to learn how they cope, accomplish and excel in the specific context of their organizations. We advise based on our belief that certain ‘intangibles , i.e., characteristics and behaviors contributing to top performance, must be made explicable so that they are objectively measurable, communicable and developable in people.
Competency and change management skills transfer
Our competency approach, processes and tools were professionally crafted to enable knowledge and skills transfer to the client organizations in full transparency. Such transparency builds confidence and trust in the client organization s competency system, as well as in the organization s Change Champion team, both factors of which are crucial for successful implementation and continued support of the system. In addition, PeopleProfile in full application also provides coaching to equip the Change Champion team with knowledge, skills, and hands-on experience in assessing competency, as well as in managing change at the organization and individual levels to facilitate their competency launch.